Baby Bears Room

3 Bears Baby Room caters for babies from 6 weeks to 24 months of age.

The play room has a large free play area for floor activities and a reasonable size wet area for meals and messy art.

The babies sleep area is separate to the play area to allow the babies a peaceful rest in a quiet dark environment. To ensure adequate supervision of the sleep room a large viewing window runs the full length of the room. There is a baby monitor so Educators are able to listen to the children and Educators every 10 minutes enter the room to visually assess the babies.

The babies have their own large playground with small climbing equipment for the older children. We have well maintained sustainable garden beds that are edible for the babies to enjoy.

The routine in the room focuses on the babies need for consistency and familiarity and security. For the older babies, we encourage independence and offer guidance along the way to ensure that your child is receiving the highest quality care and developmental opportunities.

We provide personal communication to families through our Xplor Home App, where educators record bottle times, meals, sleep times and nappy changes.

The room leader develops a weekly program based on individual and group observations, needs and interests to ensure the children are in a stimulating and encouraging environment.

Our open door policy in the service welcomes mothers who would like to continue breastfeeding, to ensure this occurs smoothly as possible, families are encouraged to visit at any time during the day.

We have places for 16 babies in this room. Room ratio 1 Educator per 4 children.

The routine in the room focuses on the babies need for consistency and familiarity and security. For the older babies, we encourage independence and offer guidance along the way to ensure that your child is receiving the highest quality of care and developmental opportunities.

Mama Bears Room

The play room has a large wet area to allow for a large variety of activities to be provided. Soft matting is used for quiet relaxing areas by the children.

The Mama Bears children share their large outside area with the Papa Bears. The yard has a decked area for activities a certified soft fall area for climbing and a large sandpit. A sensory garden is also situated in a large quite area of the yard where trickling water can be heard and the smells of our bush tucker garden be experienced. In addition two sustainable community edible garden beds are planted and maintained by the Mama and Papa Bear children. We encourage families to take what they need to be used with their families at home when required. The children also use these vegetables and herbs in their cooking experiences at 3 Bears.

A regular but flexible routine is followed in the Mama Bears room to ensure toddlers are comfortable and know what is going on throughout the day. Children in this room are just starting to interact and play with other children and friendships between all children is encouraged. Basic self-help skills are worked on in this room to develop independence and an open-ended play based program is run.

The Mama Bear room children have easy access to toilets and hand washing with appropriate viewing so educators are able to supervise and assist as needed. In addition there is also a nappy change facility for the Educators to access. Learning to use the toilet is an important development milestone for toddlers. We will work with families to keep toilet training routines as consistent as possible while this process is taking place.

While it may look like a day filled with play, please be ensured that the ‘Room Leaders’ are qualified professional Educators working within a national curriculum (EYLF). Room Ratio is 1 educator per 5 children.

Drawn out goodbyes can lead to increased anxiety for your toddler which can often result in having your educators prying your child from your arms. For some children the crying becomes a helpful part of the goodbye ritual and is not an indication that the goodbye is too difficult. A big mistake is trying to leave when your child is not looking or sneaking away without saying goodbye. This is only increasing your child’s anxiety. Our educators are here to support you and your child during this transition.

Papa Bears Room

The Papa Bears have a large play yard which they share with the Mama Bears (2-3). The yard has a decked area for actives, a certified soft fall area for climbing equipment and a large sandpit. A sensory garden is also situated in a large quiet area of the yard where trickling water and the smells of herbs can be experienced. In addition two edible sustainable garden beds are planted and maintained by the Mama and Papa Bear Children. We encourage families to take what they need to be used with their families at home when required. The children also use these vegetables and herbs in their cooking experiences at 3 Bears.

The emphasis of the Papa Bear Room (Preschool Room) is on encouraging children to play a larger part in the planning process, while developing skills for further successful learning in life. In the Papa Bear Room, Educators closely observe the children’s changing interests and reflect these in followed up play-based experiences to ensure the program and learning has intrinsic meaning and value to the children.

The environments in the Papa Bears Room are designed to extend all children’s knowledge and families are encouraged to share cultural experiences and contribute to program ideas to assist educators.

Educators interactions with the children enhance all aspects of the program as the educators verbally and non-verbally challenge the children in their play.

There is focus on a pre-school program which sees children’s successful transition to school, by introducing basic literacy, language and mathematic investigation.

While the ratio requirements for this room is 1 Educator per 10 children, our Papa Bear room runs 2 Educators with 17 children enrolled each day which supports and assists inclusiveness.